If you’re one of those car owners who love their ride so much that they wash it themselves. Well, you might have been making some common mistakes when washing your vehicle.
Frankly speaking, you might not even notice the effect of the mistakes in most cases. However, if you do take care of those common mistakes, you’ll notice the difference that it makes on your ride.
And today we appear here to show you all the mistakes that can have a great impact on your vehicle if resolved. So, let’s make your time worth it-
Why give your hard-earned money to the car wash, when you can just wash it yourself, right?
Honestly, the difference between the car wash service and washing your vehicle with your own hand is a lot.
Those who provide you with the car wash service are professionals. They know their work so well that they can often make your vehicle fresh as new.
On the other hand, you might not notice some difference right after you wash it yourself. But you’ll surely notice some issues in the long run.
So, here are the common mistakes that you might be doing when you’re washing your vehicle-
This might not seem like an issue but unfortunately, washing your car in order IS an issue that you need to keep in mind.
No, it not like that you have to clean the inside or the outside first. You just need to decide the exact place to start the cleaning.
Start from your vehicle’s body is the wisest choice. To make your cleaning easier, you need to clean the big piles of dirt on your body.
So, if you know where you’re going to start from, you’ll have no problem with the cleaning process.
You cup holders are without a doubt the dirtiest spot in your car that needs cleaning. Every single day it gets filled with crumbs and coffee spills to your work.
You should consider cleaning it weekly to keep your interior fresh. Because your friends and family won’t love a filthy car.
You can use a quality interior cleaner to clean the cup holders as well as the whole interior. To check out our quality interior cleaner, click here.
However, you can also use vinegar or soap if you don’t have a quality interior cleaner at your hand. But it won’t get you the exact cleaning that a quality interior cleaner will do.
After you’re done cleaning the cup holders, don’t forget to wipe it really good. Or else there might be water spots left behind.
You can’t just grab your dishwashing soap to wash your car. You’ll be sabotaging your paint job.
The wrong chemicals often tend to ruin the paint job, make the paint look dull or at the worst-case scenario stripping the paint away.
Moreover, it can leave the surfaces unprotected against grime, debris and moisture.
So, look for a quality product that is actually meant for a car wash. To make it easier for, you can check out this quality product.
If the sun’s up and you’re thinking of cleaning your car, don’t. Cleaning your car at this moment might dry your cleaning product before you even start to wash it off.
However, if you really need to wash it while the sun’s up, you need to work cautiously so that there are no extra spots left on the body.
Also, if you do a panel-by-panel wash, that will help you save water and create minimum water spots.
The best time to clean your car is early in the morning or after the sun goes down. If you’re planning on getting the car washed in a garage or shaded area, you can do it whenever you want.
It’s totally common for you not having enough time in hand. However, that is why people often make a mistake of grabbing only one bucket to wash their car.
You need two buckets; one for soapy water and the other for clean water. You can get an effective result if you follow the two-bucket method. To learn more about the effective two-bucket method, click here.
Car washing takes a lot of effort and time. And water spots might ruin all of those hard work and precious time you spent.
However, you should be careful, because you don’t want to dry-rub the paintwork roughly. That might end up getting your paint scratched. The key is to use as less physical contact as possible.
There are many ways for you to dry your vehicle, but you need to find out which one suits your cars the most. Air blowers, microfiber or absorbent towels and many other soft options might be a solution for you.
Tires are the most common part that people forget to wash. Sometimes people do not even consider cleaning it as they think it’ll be on the roads anyways.
But you wouldn’t go out with a dirty shoe, right? Well, why let your car have a dirty tire then? A few minutes of effort will be worth it, and you’ll realise it after you clean the tires.
Use a quality tire shine to make the tire look fresh as new. To know more about a quality tire shine, click here.
So, those are the common mistakes when washing your vehicle you often don’t notice. If you just take some time and resolve these issues, you’ll definitely get way better results than ever.
However, don’t forget to share what you noticed after correcting these mistakes. We wish to hear your experience right away. Drop your thoughts then.
Always remember to treat your ride the right way, it’ll do you nothing but good.